About me

Engineer who has a passion for growing and scaling businesses.

Abdullah Mohammed

Abdullah Mohammed is a mechanical engineer who decide to start his business helping consultant engineers to grow their business with digital marketing.

He turn his passion for growing business since he was a kid working with his dad’s business as a salesman and his engineering background to those skills into digital marketing.

Abdullah is digital marketing who want to use learned strategy to grow  his business online and help consultant engineers to in digital marketing.

Abdullah only loves to work with people who believe in themself and believe that digital marketing is the next big thing, and they want to leverage the power of online marketing that will help them get more clients and grow their business.

Proin neque egestas fusce morbi nunc ornare nisl, massa tincidunt et neque.

Tim Walter

Books by Tim

Odio adipiscing mattis in vel ut varius ut dignissim odio ut enim duis a justo rhoncus sed lectus etiam pellentesque nisl mollis pretium nunc.

Elementum aliquam hendrerit volutpat

Fringilla congueque volutpat nibh

Dapibus sapien non egestas viverra purus